Welcome To

Al Hadeed International

Welcome to Al Hadeed International, your trusted source for premium beauty instruments. We specialize in crafting high-quality tools that empower beauty professionals to achieve perfection in their art. With a legacy of precision and innovation, our instruments are designed to elevate your expertise and enhance your clients’ experience.

We have dedicated ourselves to mastering the art of beauty instrument manufacturing. Our commitment to quality is unwavering, as evidenced by our rigorous quality control measures and the use of the finest materials. Each instrument that bears the Al Hadeed International name is a testament to our dedication to excellence.

At Al Hadeed International, we understand that beauty is not just a profession; it’s a passion. We take pride in being a part of your journey towards beauty perfection. Join us in discovering the essence of beauty through the craftsmanship of Al Hadeed International.

Precision Instruments for Every Beauty Need

Explore Our Offerings

Discover a world of beauty excellence within our carefully curated categories. Al Hadeed International brings you a wide range of precision instruments designed to cater to every aspect of your beauty needs. From scissors that cut with unparalleled precision to manicure tools that redefine perfection, our categories embody the craftsmanship and quality that define Al Hadeed International.

Each category represents our commitment to elevating your beauty artistry. Explore our offerings and experience the difference that superior instruments can make in your profession. Whether you’re a hairstylist, makeup artist, esthetician, or nail technician, Al Hadeed International has the tools you need to excel in your craft.



Our Services



At Al Hadeed International, quality isn’t just a goal; it’s our cornerstone. We take immense pride in crafting beauty instruments that meet the highest industry standards. Our commitment to quality begins with sourcing the finest materials and extends to rigorous quality control processes. When you choose us, you choose precision, durability, and excellence.


Choose Al Hadeed International for a partnership rooted in trust and expertise. We blend tradition with innovation, delivering beauty instruments that enhance your skills and satisfy your clients. With a global reach, customization options, and unwavering reliability, we are your go-to source for exceptional beauty tools that elevate your profession.


Our vision is to be the catalyst for beauty excellence worldwide. We aim to empower beauty professionals with the finest instruments that enrich their artistry and elevate client experiences. Our mission is to craft instruments that stand as a testament to our dedication to precision and innovation, enhancing your ability to create beauty.


Our commitment to you goes beyond exceptional products. We commit to timely deliveries, responsive customer service, and a partnership built on trust. We value the trust you place in us and strive to exceed your expectations at every turn. With Al Hadeed International, your satisfaction and success are our unwavering commitments.



From Concept to Perfection

Crafting Beauty: Our Process

At Al Hadeed International, crafting beauty instruments is not just a process; it’s an art form. Our journey from concept to perfection is a meticulous one that marries traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge techniques.

Every instrument begins as a concept, carefully considered and designed to meet the precise needs of beauty professionals. Our team of skilled artisans then transforms these concepts into reality, selecting the finest materials and employing time-honored techniques.

The heart of our process lies in the hands of our artisans. They meticulously shape, refine, and polish each instrument to perfection, ensuring that every curve and edge serves a purpose in enhancing your craft. It’s a labor of love that results in tools that not only meet but exceed industry standards.

